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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fat Weight Loss

"I want to lose fat but not muscle, how do I do it?"

Never go on a starvation diet. You will end up losing a lot of muscle along with your fat. You want to keep your muscle because each pound of muscle burns an additional 50 calories per day at rest. This means that muscle is actually the best way to boost your metabolism long term so that you lose weight for good.

Instead of a starvation low calorie diet, go on The Day Off Diet. It is specially designed to allow you to burn fat will keeping your muscle. It also includes a free strength training program that is of exceptionally high quality. You can not only lose fat but build more muscle! This will improve your appearance and your health far more than just losing fat alone.

"How do I start The Day Off Diet?"

You will begin The Day Off Diet very easily. You can download the program online almost instantly. You can literally be on the program within minutes from right now! There's no book to wait for in the mail, it's all online. You can either read the program on your computer or you can print it out. It comes with free printable materials which make the diet very easy to follow.

"How do I know I will achieve fat weight loss with this diet?"

The program is 100% guaranteed with a 60 day full money back refund which means you can basically try it for free for 2 months with absolutely no risk.

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight Healthy And Fast

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